Frequently Asked Questions

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Questions for Parents and Aspiring Parents

Can I Join the Waitlist and Open a StorkFund If My Employer Does Not Offer StorkFund As a Benefit?
I'm an aspiring parent, with an unpredictable parenting future. What happens to the funds in my StorkFund in the event I don't have children?
Can I have both a StorkFund investment account and a StorkFund high-yield savings account?
What is a "family-life cycle expense"?
How much will I contribute to my StorkFund each month?
Can I change the amount I contribute to my StorkFund each month?

Questions for Employers

How is StorkFund different from existing employer-sponsored savings benefits?
How does Stork approve and distribute family life-cycle withdrawal requests?
How much will I contribute to my employees' StorkFunds each month?
Will StorkFund integrate with our existing payroll system?
Can StorkFund be tailored to fit our organization's needs?

Power the families you care most about with StorkFund.

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